All Digital images are printed from files using permanent pigmented inks. They are printed on canvas. Prices include framing, P&H.

Solves the question, "What would happen if Botero wedded Matisse. All digital images are printed from files using permanent pigmented inks on canvas. $750


I amused myself by using inspiration from many artists. First, it is based on Frida’s self portrait surrounded by monkeys. The hair comes from Boticelli’s Venus; there is a little Rousseau in the background, and just a touch of Magritte. $550

The Ring Wraiths were the beastly servants of Sauron, the ultimate evil emperor. Their prime directive was to destroy the World of Man. I was inspired after seeing all 3 movies, and reading Tolkein’s books. My inspiration to produce this image came from a summer spent reading all 3 of Tolkien's books. $450 This came from a small work I painted for a benefit. I painted on woven strips of colored tissue. When I found that it was so popular that collectors were fighting over it, I digitized it. $

Mildred Kaye is a master of the fantasy landscape. This image is colorful representation of this genre. Cays are those sleepy islets of the Caribbean. $450

This image is based on a favorite nursery rhyme The Owl and the Pussy Cat by Edward Lear, who is famous for so-called nonsense rhymes. I prefer to think of them rhymes of fancy. The imagery I developed is in keeping with fanciful atmosphere of the poem. The software used in this image: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Fractal Painter. $500

This is a celebration of the American spirit. It was inspired by Aaron Copeland's" Appalachian Spring." $550

The Jaguar is the major jungle cat of the Western Hemisphere. $350

Icarus is seen falling against the backdrop of the exploding buildings of the World Trade Center. Icarus' father, Daedalus, architect of the Labyrinth, was an innovative inventor. Experimenting with human flight, he designed wings of wax and feathers, and had his son Icarus don the wings. Icarus flew too high and reached the sun, whose heat melted the wax. Icarus fell to earth. The story's significance is not the fall of Icarus. To me it symbolizes man's aspirations. $550

We are looking from the New Jersey Meadowlands towards New York. In spite of the beauty of the piece, the bolt of lightening lends an ominous tone to the subtly implied image of the Twin Towers. $650

Colors both vibrant and pastel open a portal into a landscape that is both romantic and visionary. $550

Frida Kahló was an inspiration for woman artists. We empathize with the pain of her life, the excellence of her vision. Her recognition was suppressed until many years after her death. $550

As the title implies, I have had a lifelong fascination with Salvador Dalí. I hereby express my homage to him. $500

refers to the delightful childhood rhyme: Hey! Diddle, Diddle, The Cat and the Fiddle The Cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such sport And the dish ran away with the spoon. $500

Prometheus, in the Greek Myth, was punished by the gods because he stole their fire and gave it to Man. As a punishment, this benefactor of Man was tied to the Caucuses to be attacked daily by an Eagle. In this, the New Jersey Palisades is a substitute for the Caucasus. I created the original images with scratchboard and pencil. Then I scanned the drawings into the computer, and manipulated them using Painter and Photoshop. $600

Herakles (Roman, Hercules) was assigned to complete ten labors. King Eurystheus decided Hercules' first task would be to bring him the skin of a lion which terrorized the hills around Nemea. After battling the Nemean Lion, Herakles returned in triumph, wearing the head of the Lion. The rendition is richly textured and abundant with classical allusions and architectural features. $600

This represents my impression of the Hudson’s book “Green Mansions.” The name refers to the rain forest along the Orinoco. Rima was a sprite who spoke the language of birds – hence the music staff emitted from her lips. South American fauna with which she had a spiritual connection surrounds her. $550

The zipper is the symbolic device to transfer a dark day to a sunny day, $400