The last 4 years I have found my favored medium to be pastels. Ienjoy manipulating them on Mi-Teintes Touch (paper). See also Irises.
Prices include framing, P&H

Amid the great art of the Met. Mus. of Art, they have eyes only for their cell phones.

Pastels: I created this as a memorial to my beloved companion of six years, Arnold Silver. $4,000

Pastels: The quote is, "Inside of every fat person there is a skinny person just waiting to come out.” A chubby lady looks in the mirror and sees herself as svelte. This pastel painting came from a figure drawing session in which I actually posed 2 models, one fat, and one skinny. $1,000

Pastels:The models posed themselves and came up with this cabaret scene. To give it a period look, I added Lautrec references including Le Chocolat. $550

Pastels:This piece resulted from a 6-hour session with live models. It suggested a scene in the Garden of Eden. The demon Lilith, preceding Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, encouraged the snake to tempt Eve. $550

Pastels: A zipper opens a dreary day and reveals a sunny day. $1,000

Pastels: Begun on a family visit in Colorado. This is the family of my daughter Heather Rizzo: husband Lou Rizzo, daughters Cara Mia, Frankie, and Louisa. NFS

Pastels: This was begun on our visit from the East coast to California. Son Michael stands next to his wife Mary. They are flanked by their two sons, Jason, Chris, and, their dog Tucker of sainted memory. NFS